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Los Angeles
How your trip unfolds in the "City of Angels" depends on where it begins. In Los Angeles, each neighborhood offers a distinct scene. Ruggedly good looking and highly imaginative, this sprawling city is no less than a dreamland.
Outdoor buffs will have a ball of a time in Los Angeles as the city is home to a plethora of natural attractions and offers a wealth of outdoor pursuits. Go sailing and whale watching in the azure Pacific, enjoy camping in the scenic mountains or play a game of volleyball and relish sunshine at a scenic beach. You'll be flooded with exciting things to do in the city.
Love movies? Well, you’re in for a treat as L.A. is home to one of the world’s biggest movie industry-Hollywood. You can also go hiking in areas near the famous Hollywood Sign that offer some stunning views.
Popular Attractions
- Universal Studios Hollywood
- Griffith Park
- Disneyland
- Santa Monica Pier