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President's Day Travel Flight Deals
President's Day, lovingly known as Washington's Birthday, is on the third Monday of February. George Washington, the first President of the United States is not only honored, but also Abraham Lincoln whose date of birth falls in February (12th) is honored along with all the other Presidents.
Like Independence Day, President's Day is customarily viewed as a time of nationalistic celebration and commemoration. In its native incarnation as Washington's Birthday, the holiday grew special meaning during the snags of the Great Depression, when representations of George Washington often graced the front pages of newspapers and magazines every February 22. In 1932, the date was used to restore the Purple Heart, a military decoration initially created by George Washington to principle soldiers killed or wounded while serving in the armed forces. Nationalistic groups and the Boy Scouts of America as well held festivities on the day, and in 1938 some 5000 people attended mass at St Patrick's Cathedral in New York City in memory of Washington.